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What to Expect

Each bodywork and movement session will address your specific needs, goals and interest. There are many components including massage, postural evaluation, movement education, fitness training and environmental modification (ie: office chairs and car seats). Each session will follow a basic five-step outline with many possibilities described below

1. History and Intake

You physical and emotional history defines who you are in the present. In assessing your everyday activities, such as the work you do, the sports you play, and when or where you feel fatigue or pain; the practitioner can help you to understand which patterns you use that interfere with you optimal functioning. In the process, old patterns may be released to encourage easier and more efficient movement. 


2. Pretesting

This part of the session is a way for both you and your practitioner to experience some aspect of your movement abilities or potential for improvement. The pretest is usually a basic activity such as walking, sitting, standing, reaching, bending or lifting. In a session designed to work on a particular activity, you may perform some of that activity as a pretest. The testing has two major purposes. First, it allows you to be more specifically aware of your movements in that activity. The practitioner may call your attention to some details; such as how your foot is held when hitting the ground or what position your shoulders take as you move. 


Later, after the bodywork or movement education, this experience will serve as a basis for comparison. The Aston® approach gives you a clear understanding of the changes made in the session so that you will have the option to keep the changes as part of your pattern of movement. As you understand the changes taking place, you can become your own teacher. 


Additionally, pretesting allows the practitioner an opportunity to make a chart of your postural alignment and tension holding patterns. A new chart is made at each session. This chart can then serve as a reference for both you and your practitioner regarding your patterns and the changes you are making. It also helps to reinforce what you have learned.


3. Movement Education and Bodywork

Using the history and the pretest you and your practitioner determine what lesson would be most valuable for that session. Movement education and/or bodywork will be included in virtually all sessions. The bodywork includes massage, myofacial release and Arthro-kinetics. They all serve to release unnecessary tension and make your new movement easier and more efficient.


4. & 5. Post-test and Applications

The post-test is essentially a repetition of the pre-testing movements allowing you to see and feel the changes that have taken place. The application integrates the movement changes into you daily life. Here again, the work is tailored to you as an individual. If, for example, the session focused on arm and shoulder movements, you may apply new movements to your tennis strokes, to your keyboarding at the computer or to the way you drive your car. The lessons of the movement and bodywork can become permanent options available to you with the conscientious awareness and practice. You can chose to leave the old patterns i the past. Aston-Patterning® is a wonderful opportunity for self-discovery and feeling good about you.



Judith Aston began teaching Movement Education in 1963 and developed the current form of Aston-Patterning® in 1977. in 2007, Aston Kinetics became the title for all forms of the work. 


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